This is an online E-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs". This E log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box is welcome.
Case History :
80 year old male who is a farmer by occupation came to casualty on 06-01-22 with
Chief Complaints :
1. Vomiting 2 episodes since morning
2. Giddiness since morning .
History of Present Illness :
Patient was apparently asymptomatic until today morning, then he developed
- Vomitings - 2 episodes sudden in onset, bilious, non projectile type with food as contents.
- Giddiness - sudden onset aggravated with movements or sitting up, swaying while walking is present, associated with headache, nausea and vomiting.
- Not associated with pain abdomen, fever, loose stools.
- No history of loss of consciousness, seizures, diplopia, blackouts, chest pain, constipation, sweating and palpitations, earache, aural fullness or discharge, tinnitus
- No complaints of weakness, tingling or numbness of limbs, difficulty in chewing, swallowing, deviation of mouth
- No bowel and bladder incontinence.
Past History :
- Patient is a known case of Hypertension since 4 years and is on medication Tab. Atenolol 50 mg
- He is not a known case of Diabetes mellitus, Asthma, Tuberculosis, Epilepsy, Coronary Artery Disease
Personal History :
Diet- mixed
Appetite- normal
Bowel and bladder movements- regular
Sleep- adequate
No known allergies
Addictions : Alcohol intake since 40 years - 3 times/week 90 ml
Smoking since 40 years - 1 packet/day
Family history : Not Significant
General Examination :
-Patient is Conscious, coherent and cooperative.
-No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy, edema.
Vitals :
Temperature - Afebrile
PR- 68 bpm
RR- 14 cpm
BP- 120/70 mmHg
SpO2- 99% at RA
GRBS- 132 mg/dL
Systemic Examination :
CVS : S1S2 heard, no murmurs
P/A : Soft, Non-tender
Patient is well oriented to time, place, person
Higher mental functions:
- Memory : recent, remote intact
- Speech: Normal
Cranial nerves: Intact
Motor system :
Right Left
Tone : Upper limb Normal Normal
Lower Limb Normal Normal
Power : Upper limb Normal Normal
Lower Limb Normal Normal
Reflexes : Biceps jerk Absent Absent
Triceps jerk Absent Absent
Supinator jerk Absent Absent
Knee jerk Absent Absent
Ankle jerk Absent Absent
Tone- Normal in bilateral upper and lower limbs
Sensory system: crude touch ,pain, temperature, fine touch, joint position, proprioception are normal in all dermatomes
GCS: 15/15
Finger nose test - incoordination is seen
Knee heel - incoordination is seen
No dysdiadochokinesia.
Nystagmus is present in both horizontal and vertical gaze.
Provisional Diagnosis :
Giddiness under evaluation (?PCA stroke/ ? BPV)
Investigations :
Hemogram on 6/01/2022:
Hemogram on 7/01/2022:
ECG on 7/01/2022:
ECG on 8/01/2022:
ENT Referral :
Treatment :
1) INJ. THIAMINE 1 amp in 100 ml NS IV/TID
2) INJ. OPTINEURON 1 amp in 100 ml NS Slow IV/OD
3) INJ. PANTOP 40 mg IV/BD
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